Fearless Questions

Following our Questions to Freedom

Episode 28: Addie Zierman

If someone said that you should be ‘On Fire for Jesus’, what would that make you feel like?  For some, it’s a call to full commitment of their faith and offering their entire life for a higher purpose…for others, it sounds like a misplaced and offensive religious call to martyrdom.  It’s a phrase that gets […]

Episode 27: John McCollum

In a world where there are thousands of orphaned and at-risk children, it can sometimes seem that institutional orphan care is the only practical solution available in less wealthy nations, but for John McCollum, there seemed to be a better way. Somewhere on the journey of adoption (they adopted their first child from Vietnam) and […]

Episode 26: Mike & Kristin Berry

Sometimes you hear an incredible story and wonder to yourself if the people who lived it are really so incredible as it first seemed.  Then there are those rare times when you actually get to meet those same people and find yourself even more impressed than before.  Not because they are so grandiose, but because […]

Episode 25: Paula Faris

Today on the Fearless Questions podcast we have the wonderful opportunity to catch-up with Paula Faris.  Paula is well-known for her roles as a weekend anchor for ABC’s Good Morning America and also as a co-host on ABC’s daytime program The View.  She’s won multiple Emmy Awards, interviewed innumerable national leaders and celebrities, and has […]

Episode 22: Wm. Paul Young

When you sell over 25 million books…without meaning to…well…that’s a story that I want to hear more about.  But even more than the story…I want to hear what’s in the heart and life of the guy who has walked that journey.  That’s exactly what we have the opportunity to do today as William Paul Young […]

Episode 20: Rob Bell

Rob Bell… Over the past few weeks I’ve been reminded of how polarizing that name is for many people…and it’s made me really sad. Not sad because so many people have disagreed with some of his theological observations over the past few years…that’s to be expected with anybody…but it’s the vitriol and hatred with which […]